Presentation Guidelines

Presentation Guidelines

Oral Contribution in Symposium

Length: 15 minutes in total for your presentation:  10 for your talk+ 5 minutes for questions.

Oral Contribution in Oral Session

Length: 10 minutes in total for your presentation:  8 for your talk+ 2 minutes for questions.

You may use for your presentation the official PowerPoint PPT template, here above (this is optional). 

Important: to ensure the session are on time, and successful conference,  you must deliver  your presentation at the Audiovisual Delivery Room (next to the Auditorio 2-ground floor)  at least 4 hours before your presentation.


You will need to prepare and bring your printed poster to be hung in the panel.
here above you can use the poster template (this is optional).

The technical secretariat provides a poster printing and delivery service at your convenience.

You can find the details for this service, as well as its cost, here 

You must hang up your poster before Monday 9 September before at 12.00 pm.
Afterwards, it must be taken down on Wednesday 11 September  from 11:30 to 14:30 p.m. onwards.

You should be in front of your poster panel during the Poster Presentation on Tuesday, 10 September to answer potential questions from the Committee.

It is the responsibility of the authors to put up and take down their poster. The Organization will not be responsible for lost or damaged works.

The panel number where you must place your poster is stated as Paper Reference, in the confirmation you have received.